Julian Mountain Bike Race - Sunday May 7

Here we are having breakfast on the morning of the race. Trying to get some last minute carbo-loading, even though we know it is too late! Julian is at almost 5000 feet above sea level - and the previous evening was bitterly cold! Little did the mountain bikers know they were in for hottest day in the history of the race with temperatures into the high 90's - that's upper 30 degrees celcius!

Commeth the hour, commeth the wimp!!! Clark was not very fit for this race, but at least he looks a bit professional here!

Trappe van vergelyking - Goed, Beter, Beste - you decide the sequence from left to right!!! We said Clark wasn't very fit for this race - maybe his newly developed "frontale stelsel" had something to do with it!!!

Here is a photo of Clark in the main street of Julian - we camped about 1km outside of the town. There are only 6 streets in Julian - that is A street, B street and C street (they run parralel to each other), and they cross with 1st street, 2nd street, and 3rd street! Town planning is a hectic business in this town as you can imagine! Quite interesting in this part of the world is that every town has a street that is either called Washington or California - kinda like in South Africa where no matter where you are there is always a "Kerk straat" (that is "Church street")!!! So even in little ol' Julian the town folk have made space for that illustrious street name of Washington, and if you could read the street name to the left of Clark's head (mooi kyk nou!), you would see that that would be the case!

Back to the breakfast after the night of bitter cold and hardly any sleep - look at Clark - talk about not being a happy camper!!! :)
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