Saturday, September 09, 2006


About a month or so ago, Clark got stuck into our tiny little garden and pulled out all the plants that were looking haggard and old. Since then, we've been intending to do some shopping for the garden and get stuck into creating our own little "oasis" at our Oasis Townhome! Yesterday afternoon, we went to Lowe's (a home improvement store) and bought a jasmine bush, and a tray of other little flowers (don't know what they are called!) for the outside garden. We also bought two little miniature palms for inside and a lovely orchid.

My very own garden-boy!

Note for Pa en Ma: All the years of Sunday gardening experiences at the Botha estate in Uitenhage (Eastern Cape) paid off - you trained him well!

This is the lovely orchid that has been given pride of place in our bedroom. Isn't it beautiful? We haven't had much luck with indoor plants but this one is going to be taken care of like a baby:)


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