Friday, May 11, 2007

Vol 3: Kennedy Space Centre

Last Friday we spent the day at the Kennedy Space Centre (about 45 mins from Orlando). It was an interesting and informative day and we both enjoyed the experience.

The Rocket Garden showcases different types of rockets through the years.

Clark standing next to a model of an astronaut in his space suit.

This is where scientists are assembling parts for the International Space Station.

Clark in front of a rocket.

Sara standing in front of the "sleeping quarters" that the astronauts use when they're in outer space.

Clark looking at someting interesting in a model of the International Space Station.

More models of the International Space Station.

Sara touching a moon rock.
We snapped this photo of ourselves with the NASA launching pads in the background. It was kind of unreal to stand there and think of how many monumental missions have started from that very place.

This is the NASA building where the shuttles are assembled and dis-assembled upon landing. They are thoroughly inspected for any faults so that they may be safe for re-use. The building is so big it is said that it's the largest building by volume in the world.

This is the very control room where all the Apollo missions were launched from including the infamous Apollo 13 rescue mission.

A real space-shuttle on display. It was HUGE!

This is an example of the vehicles that are used to roam the moon.


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