Saturday, May 12, 2007

Medieval Times

After Miami, we headed back to spend Tuesday night in Orlando since we were leaving from Orlando early Wednesday morning to come home. Tuesday night we went out for dinner at a themed restaurant called "Medieval Times."

The castle.
The King and Princess were there to pose with before dinner and the show.

We took a tour of the Medieval village before dinner.

In the kitchen area of a Medieval house.

Before dinner, each person is given a crown for the section that you are going to be sitting in (we were sitting in the red section right in front) and then out come the knights and you have to cheer for the knight whose colour is the same as yours.

Dinner consists of vegetable soup (drunk out of the bowl for authenticity - there are no eating utensils) and garlic bread. Dinner is chicken, spare ribs and a potato....well for Sara - dinner was just the potato and Clark had two chickens! Neither of us had the spare ribs. Desert was a pastry with peach filling. As you eat your meal the knights joust and compete with each other for your entertainment.


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